Environmental Law2025-03-04T14:19:59-08:00

Environmental Law

CSD Attorneys at Law’s Environmental Law practice group has extensive experience navigating the complex environmental regulatory landscape.  Our attorneys work with technical consultants and regulators to manage and mitigate all ranges of contaminated property, from small environmental sites to large and complex former industrial sites in both the upland and aquatic environs.  CSD Attorneys at Law knows that an important aspect of environmental law is cost recovery from former owners and operators of contaminated sites and has extensive experience directing cost recovery actions to maximize returns.  Our attorneys are frequent speakers at seminars on environmental law, brownfield redevelopment, environmental cost recovery actions, and Clean Water Act compliance and have worked on a team hired by the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) to recommend changes to the Washington Model Toxics Control Act.

Contact our Environmental Law attorneys for assistance with a wide variety of matters, including:

  • Evaluating the environmental risk in the purchase or sale of properties and crafting purchase and sale agreements and agreements allocating risk
  • State and federal regulatory requirements for remediation of contaminated property
  • Ecology Consent Decrees, Prospective Purchaser Consent Decrees, and Agreed Orders
  • Clean Water Act (NPDES) and Clean Air Act compliance
  • Defense of Clean Water Act citizen lawsuits
  • Mitigation of environmental or compliance risk
  • Working with technical consultants and regulators to select a cost-effective environmental compliance or remediation plan that accommodates current or anticipated future uses
  • Ecology Remedial Action Grants for local governments
  • Integrated Planning Grants
  • Ecology’s Affordable Housing Cleanup Grant Program

Environmental Law Attorneys

Holly M. Stafford
Holly M. StaffordPrincipal
Sara B. Frase
Sara B. FraseAssociate
Renee K. L. Rasmussen
Renee K. L. RasmussenAssociate
Frank J. Chmelik
Frank J. ChmelikPrincipal – Senior Status

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